Cleaning is a part of proper maintenance for your artificial grass. Proper care and maintenance, especially if done on a regular basis can significantly extend the life of your synthetic lawn in the long run.

Looking at short-term benefits, putting in the time and effort to clean your artificial grass will leave you with a clean and odour-free lawn that you and your pets can enjoy. You always have the option of calling in professional help for the cleaning and maintenance, but you can always do it yourself and save yourself some money.

Removing Leaves And Other Debris

If you have trees around your lawn, then fallen leaves are something you will have to deal with on the regular. To remove the leaves and other debris, you can use a leaf blower, a light rake, or a broom. For dirt and dust, use a brush with hard bristles.

Avoid garden rakes with sharp tines, and or a brush with metallic bristles because sharp objects can damage your lawn by causing rips and tears.

How often you remove the leaves and debris will depend on how much of it builds up. You can expect to do a lot more of this in autumn when trees shed their leaves, and taking a break during the dormancy period in winter.

In addition to keeping your artificial lawn looking tidy and clean, removing leaves and debris from the surface of your synthetic turf helps prevent the growth of surface weeds.

Stain Removal

To clean up stains from spills from drinks such as coffee, use a soapy mixture and a piece of cloth over the site of the stain. For outdoor installations, you can attach a pressure spray tip on your hose and pressure wash over the stained spot. To remove oily stains, use mineral spirits or a mild, bleach-free detergent. If chewing gum gets stuck on your synthetic turf, place a bag of ice cubes over the gum which hardens the gum.

The synthetic material from which artificial grass is made is generally very stain-resistant. It will not stain permanently, and for these temporary stains, it should take you little time and effort.

Cleaning Pet Waste

Artificial grass is very pet-friendly. To remove the solid waste, simply scoop up the droppings using a pet waste bag or pet poop scooper as you would on any surface. You can follow it with a wash of soap and water if need be. At least weekly, bring out the hose and clean the lawn with water.

Pet urine on the other hand requires a little more attention. Synthetic grass does absorb smell, which is why you should act fast when it comes to cleaning up the urine. Use a diluted water-vinegar solution over the urine spots to prevent odours. Again, hosing down your artificial grass at least once every week can help keep away the smell. You can also use an artificial grass spray or deodoriser of mild composition to neutralise any odours from the pet urine.

Properly cleaning pet waste is not only important for maintaining an odour-free lawn, but it can also prevent the build-up of bacteria. This build up can cause disease to whoever comes into contact with the bacteria, be it your pets or the kids. There is definitely more to it than just aesthetics.

Removing Snow

With artificial grass, your best option is to let the snow melt away on its own. Synthetic grass has superior drainage properties and the melted snow will drain away.
If you do, however, need to remove the snow, take extra care to avoid damaging your synthetic lawn. As a rule, shovel away the top layer and leave at least an inch of the snow on the grass. This single inch layer of snow is easy to sweep away with a sweeper or brush.

Spot-cleaning if and when need be, weekly hosing down and rinsing off, and periodic deep cleaning will ensure that your artificial grass stays looking its best for a long time. Cleaning isn’t too difficult, and you can do it. If you have any additional questions about cleaning and caring for your synthetic grass, our experts at Perth Artificial Grass will gladly assist you.