There are great opportunities to be had with your commercial property. But these opportunities require quite a bit of investment in order for you to realise them. While you are already well aware of the costs attached to running and maintaining your commercial property, this doesn’t mean you would not want to economise.

And one way to do this, without cutting corners that would jeopardise your business, is by focusing on your green space.

With commercial properties that feature landscaped spaces, maintenance cost can mean greater overhead expenses, leaving the business with minimal profits. Synthetic turf, Perth businesses might want to know, can help commercial properties retain landscaped areas without the huge budget.

What is synthetic turf? It’s grass-like ground cover that mimics the lush and natural look of grass. Today’s synthetic turf systems come with a drainage layer, tough grass-like blades infilled with granular filler (so that it looks exactly like grass), and multi-layered backing systems. Some systems are made with an elastic layer beneath the turf, less infill and lower pile height.

For sports facilities that feature playing fields, synthetic turf provides safe playing surfaces. It can be used all year round, no matter the weather, and without requiring any downtime for recovery. Artificial turf has become such a smart solution that major sports associations like the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) and the International Rugby Board use it. Safety. Unrestricted playing sessions, with fewer to no incidence of cancelled games. Greater usage. All of this translates to more revenues for the sports facility.

For other commercial properties such as golf courses, day care centres, schools, parks, hotels, restaurants, and other leisure destinations, synthetic turf delivers reduced maintenance costs. In comparison to real turf, you don’t have to spend money on fertiliser (and the service provider that has to apply it). There is also no need to hire a lawn maintenance service to get rid of weed.

And you save money on watering — millions of gallons of water annually — your green space. You aren’t only saving money on water but you are also contributing to the city’s efforts to save a precious resource.

Another great benefit of installing synthetic turf is the fact that your business has more opportunities for using the green space. Artificial turf doesn’t simply serve to beautify your outdoor space. If you are running a hotel or an events venue, you don’t have to restrict the use of your lawns and your commercial property can accept as many bookings as possible.